​Hey There
We are NFT Digitalization Expert.
ArtDeco Digital Asset Management
About US
Jae Hong Kil, Co-Founder and CEO
15+ years experience in quantitative finance managing multi-billion dollars.
Founded a pioneering quant hedge fund, Sentiment Alpha.
Seasoned professional in finance, IT, digital marketing and business development.
Frequent guest speaker at Princeton University and featured in BBC and major articles.
Master’s in Computer Science at State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Christy Wang, Co-Founder and CCO
10+ years experience in project management and process optimization for multi-billion dollars business.
Founded a design brand specializing in interior design and web site design.
Broad professional network and activities in finance, art, IT, real estate, architect and business consulting.
Bachelor’s in Advertising, Accounting, and Mathematics at Penn State University & CPA license in NY State.
Co-Founder & CEO
15+ years experience in quantitative finance managing multi-billion dollars.
Founded a pioneering quant hedge fund, Sentiment Alpha.
Seasoned professional in finance, IT, digital marketing and business development.
Frequent guest speaker at Princeton University and featured in BBC and major articles.
Co-Founder, CFO & CCO
10+ years experience in process optimization for multi-billion dollar business.
Diversified background in finance, operations, brand equity, and project management.
Founded a design brand specializing in interior design and web site design.
CPA license holder in NY State.